Waterco cements green credentials

Fri, 10 Sep 2021

Environmental conscience reduces power costs while reassuring customers


Sydney, Australia, 10 September, 2021 – Water treatment manufacturer and distributor Waterco Limited (ASX:WAT) continues to demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility by using solar energy to power its 16,000sqm global headquarters in Rydalmere, NSW.


The 100kw system installed by Clean Energy Council Accredited Inspire Energy comprises of REC premium twin peak solar panels with Sungrow inverters monitored via a solar analytics platform. This produces 130 megawatts of electricity per annum, equating to roughly 65 per cent of the building’s energy consumption.



We estimate that our yearly energy bill will drop from $23,715 a year down to $3,218, which is a saving of approximately 20k each year,” explains Waterco Chief Operations Officer, Bryan Goh. “While the financial benefits of installing a solar system were undeniable, this demonstrates our continued commitment to these values.”

Waterco is an environmentally conscious company that manufacturers energy and water efficient products for the swimming pool, water treatment, and aquaculture industries. It has one of the largest ranges of industry accredited Climate Care Certified equipment endorsed by Australia’s Swimming Pool and Spa Association.

The company’s commercial-grade water treatment innovations are also utilised in arid regions such as Dubai and to drought-poof communities in rural regions such as Wangaratta in north-east Victoria.

“Consumers are not only investing in products that help reduce their water and energy consumption but also are choosing to buy from brands they believe are committed to having a positive social and environmental impact,” says Goh.



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